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Jul 03, 2012 rated it did not similar it
Ugh, this volume could turn me into ane of those people.

I would never, ever, e'er say that the manner someone dresses, or a situation they purposefully put themselves into makes them "deserve" whatever treatment they get. That's an asshole belief of the highest accordance.

But goddamit, this book fabricated me one of those people.

These women are so far from sympathetic that if I were to encounter one of them in existent life, I would dial each of them in the face. ESPECIALLY Liza.

This book was written many many moons

Ugh, this book could turn me into one of those people.

I would never, ever, ever say that the manner someone dresses, or a state of affairs they purposefully put themselves into makes them "deserve" whatever treatment they get. That'south an asshole belief of the highest accordance.

But goddamit, this book made me one of those people.

These women are and so far from sympathetic that if I were to meet ane of them in real life, I would dial each of them in the face. Especially Liza.

This volume was written many many moons after the fact. When they were "older" and "wiser" and realized how awful their lifestyle really was, and how pleased they were to help other women non become prostitutes.

"I looked in the mirror, at my tight hot piddling body. Goddamn, I am so fucking sexy and men just love me."

"I had just been invited to someone'due south house, all expenses paid, and found out information technology was because they wanted to use me for sex. GASP! What kind of girl exercise you think I am?! Only then this guy invited me to his business firm, all expenses paid. Hell aye! What could possibly Get Wrong?!"


Jul 19, 2012 rated information technology it was amazing
So funny, a lot of u.s. have the aforementioned comments in our reviews.

No this is not a well-written volume.
No this is not a book that should exist read past many.
Even so, if I'1000 still talking about it (as I did after concurring with a friend virtually not loving Shades of Gray ii simply and so maxim "Merely did you e'er read this book, You'll Never Make Beloved in This Town Over again?") And I idea information technology was amazingly shocking and spellbinding then, and still think it now several years later.

I too read this a long time ago (Pre

So funny, a lot of u.s.a. have the same comments in our reviews.

No this is not a well-written book.
No this is not a book that should be read by many.
Nonetheless, if I'm nonetheless talking nigh information technology (every bit I did later concurring with a friend about not loving Shades of Grayness ii but and then saying "Simply did you lot e'er read this book, You'll Never Brand Dearest in This Boondocks Again?") And I thought it was amazingly shocking and spellbinding and then, and however recollect it now several years afterwards.

I too read this a long fourth dimension ago (Pre-Goodreads I presume since I didn't review) - and all the same call up then many pulp details from this full trashy gossipy amazing amend-than-US/Enquirer/People tales too. I didn't recall the phone call daughter/drugs "don't practise what I did" aspect of the volume equally much as the celebrity tales - which there are many, and in total technicolor.

I also found my copy at a (library) used book sale for $.25.

Once my book gild heard about it, we all read my re-create (although it wasn't ever the month'southward selection... just a must-read that nosotros all were shocked & amazed by.) If this is your sort of thang, and y'all can find a copy, yous will most likely be unable to put it downwardly - and volition pass it on to all agreeing friends.

Mark Desrosiers
Two of this volume's authors, Robin and Liza Greer, were stars of the classic Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode, Angels Revenge . Liza -- who dishes the nastiest dish hither -- plays the fresh-faced pigtailed teenager in that movie. Every bit Amy noted, the anecdote about George Harrison and his ukelele is priceless. Two of this volume's authors, Robin and Liza Greer, were stars of the archetype Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode, Angels Revenge . Liza -- who dishes the nastiest dish here -- plays the fresh-faced pigtailed teenager in that moving-picture show. As Amy noted, the anecdote nigh George Harrison and his ukelele is priceless. ...more
Giddy Girlie
May 02, 2008 rated it did not like information technology
I found this volume at a thrift store and was intrigued and since I only paid 25 cents for it I didn't have a lot of expectations for information technology. That existence said, the volume was still kind of a stinker. The stories being told are sold every bit a cautionary tale to young women in Hollywood who permit the men call the shots, and how these four women immune that power to lead them into a life of drugs and prostitution.

Notwithstanding, the stories were full of bragging and glamour and never reached the correct balance of "it was al

I plant this book at a thrift store and was intrigued and since I only paid 25 cents for it I didn't have a lot of expectations for information technology. That being said, the volume was still kind of a stinker. The stories existence told are sold equally a cautionary tale to immature women in Hollywood who let the men telephone call the shots, and how these 4 women allowed that power to pb them into a life of drugs and prostitution.

Still, the stories were total of bragging and glamour and never reached the correct balance of "information technology was all bang-up UNTIL this bad thing happened and boy did I learn my lesson..." Instead, information technology was a checklist of the celebrities that they'd slept with and spilling secrets almost who liked to do what behind closed doors. They glamorized the amounts of money that they made and how they justified it - you've been giving information technology abroad for free for so long, why not get paid for it? - and it seems that if they hadn't bottomed-out and/or concluded upwards in jail they wouldn't have always stopped. At the end of each story, there is a customary laissez passer-the-cadet explanation almost why they used drugs or sex for attention and always with a sentence with "don't exist like me" but they never established themselves equally whatsoever kind of role model. It was odd. Naught that they said/wrote about would brand me change my mind at all if I were considering that lifestyle. In fact, this book is a How To manual on being a phone call girl the right way. Which is sad, because that its intention was to relieve girls from this bicycle and promote the power that a woman has over her own destiny.

Plus, it was a distracting read because information technology didn't appear to be edited at all. The writing was all pretty clunky, which is forgivable since these are call girls not novelists, just the spelling errors and crazy layout hiccups were hard to ignore.

I'm sure some people will exist interested in the 'gossip' aspect (who does what behind closed doors) simply it didn't actually stand out equally smashing gossip. A lot of people like kinky (and non-so-kinky) things, and if yous're incredibly wealthy, y'all might spend some of your fortunes on fulfilling those fantasies. That shouldn't be such a surprise, merely maybe I'm just not as innocent and I should be.

Ann Moody
May 13, 2012 rated information technology information technology was amazing
I read this book 15 years ago when it came out and I give it 5 stars now, considering I recall so much of information technology, and the glory names mentioned. Rarely does a volume make such an impression. The other reviewers are spot on with the murkiness of the cautionary tale as told from the authors' viewpoints. They seem damaged souls, but conflicted even as they tell the stories. In some ways they enjoyed some of their experiences. On the other paw, information technology marked the terminate of all my glory crushes, once and fo I read this book 15 years ago when it came out and I give it 5 stars now, because I retrieve so much of it, and the celebrity names mentioned. Rarely does a book make such an impression. The other reviewers are spot on with the murkiness of the cautionary tale as told from the authors' viewpoints. They seem damaged souls, but conflicted even every bit they tell the stories. In some means they enjoyed some of their experiences. On the other hand, it marked the end of all my celebrity crushes, once and for all, and still makes me ponder the weird sociopathologies that develop among people who tin can have annihilation they want. Cheaters, abusers, people who take developed an insatiable appetite for endless thrills of their own imagining.

It is raunchy, and voyeuristic, and non really well written, though it's an easy read. And so it likewise makes me wonder about the fascination on my end with the discipline matter. I call up of it every single time I hear an Eagles song. I call back about information technology every fourth dimension I hear about Olivia Newton-John, George Harrison, Vanna White, Lorenzo Lamas. You just think, yuk yuk yuk. . . every time you ever see a reference to any of the men, or their wives, or their ex-wives, forever after! Oddly, there was non much hoopla about the book at the time, and information technology'south merely fizzled out of the mainstream. I expected Don Henley and Glen Frey to get pariahs or file a agglomeration of lawsuits, merely plainly either nobody believed the book, nobody cared, or nobody read it.

Mar 17, 2017 rated it did non similar information technology
The introduction was promising as the editor, Joan Parrent intimated her sexist experiences with some of the loftier and mighty of Hollywood.
As I began reading the commencement story in the book, Robin's, I was heartbroken to hear most how her parents had neglected her and facilitated her nearly-rape and being pimped out by an older female "friend".
Just then instead of being a cautionary tale and revealing the mechanisms, the brainwashing and how it chips abroad at a immature girl's/adult female's psyche the book t
The introduction was promising as the editor, Joan Parrent intimated her sexist experiences with some of the loftier and mighty of Hollywood.
As I began reading the start story in the book, Robin's, I was heartbroken to hear about how her parents had neglected her and facilitated her almost-rape and being pimped out by an older female "friend".
But then instead of existence a cautionary tale and revealing the mechanisms, the brainwashing and how it fries abroad at a immature girl's/woman's psyche the book turned into one big orgy.
One account after another of whom Robin sexually serviced in what way and how disappointed she was when the men wouldn't love her but only use her... zero cocky-awareness hither. Not fifty-fifty in the epilogue.
The other three stories didn't read much better. At points I was wondering what their issue was, because the way they talked about their "clients" or famous men they slept with didn't sound exactly very calumniating or scarring. Naturally, prostituting yourself will leave its mark, and never a expert 1, what I'grand saying is that the four women and the editor didn't manage to drive that point home, to really illustrate what it does to a person. The emotional component was completely missing.
Tiffany, the last of the 4 women, actually makes a brief mention of this at the very end of her narration. She states that all of her experiences left her completely emotionally numb and that she cannot fifty-fifty feel sorry for having brought other girls into this lifestyle/into prostitution.
See, I UNDERSTAND that! In fact I would expect that even, just that the procedure of losing your innocence, morality, humanity is completely missing in any of these chapters.
Information technology often reads more like sugariness revenge instead of anything else, dropping a few famous actors' names in club to get recognition and attention.
Everything this book should take been information technology wasn't unfortunately, so nope...this really wasn't for me at all.
...more than
Jun 22, 2009 rated information technology information technology was ok
SLEAZE: Someone talked virtually this book one night at the bar. Intrigued, I texted my librarian gf request her to choice it up. I hope she was not embarassed getting it from her colleagues.

It pretends to be a alarm against the evils of prostitution and guys who do not respect women. Merely it's much more than like a boasting near how hot the women are (constantly they talk about their bodies, and how no one could keep their eyes off them). I don't know that much about celebrities and it was written in 19

SLEAZE: Someone talked almost this book 1 dark at the bar. Intrigued, I texted my librarian gf request her to selection information technology upwards. I hope she was not embarassed getting information technology from her colleagues.

It pretends to be a warning against the evils of prostitution and guys who practice non respect women. Simply it's much more like a boasting about how hot the women are (constantly they talk about their bodies, and how no one could proceed their eyes off them). I don't know that much about celebrities and information technology was written in 1995, and then some were (to me) obscure. Over and over they talk about the sense of entitlement rich hollywood dudes take, just expecting women to have sex with them because they are famous OR being able to pay big bucks for whatever kinky, and sometimes tearing, fantasies they have. But there's a ton of mixed letters in there. 1 woman will have sex with a famous guy and and so recall to herself "he just got for free what others would pay $10,000 for! He thinks he can merely have me because he's famous!" And and then she'll sleep with him again. And then complain that she didn't even get a gift.

Parts are sad - some of the women were coerced into prostitution. And there were parts that were abusive.

What I learned: George Harrison likes to play the ukelele while getting a bj.

...more than
Hannah Colen
October 09, 2019 rated it did non similar information technology
bought this book for $1 at a volume sale, but i regret even doing so. this book merely wasn't what i idea it was going to be...information technology was actually about exposing men in hollywood and name-dropping (which i'thousand all for! betrayal predators), but it too exposed a lot of sex workers/ women just for the sake of doing so. the mode information technology was written was really poorly done, and was conspicuously for erotic stupor value. could've had then much potential in educating and destigmatizing bought this book for $one at a book sale, but i regret even doing so. this book just wasn't what i idea it was going to was actually about exposing men in hollywood and name-dropping (which i'm all for! betrayal predators), but it too exposed a lot of sex workers/ women just for the sake of doing and then. the fashion it was written was really poorly done, and was conspicuously for erotic shock value. could've had so much potential in educating and destigmatizing ...more
Dec 27, 2008 rated it information technology was amazing
Best trashy book ever. Easy. True or not information technology made for a fun, no brainer read. Worth reading for the Xanadu quote while referreing to Olivia Newton John's husband and I notwithstanding call Gary Busey, "Scary Abusey." I did not, however, want to be caught reading it in public so I only would read information technology at domicile. Best trashy volume ever. Easy. True or non it made for a fun, no brainer read. Worth reading for the Xanadu quote while referreing to Olivia Newton John's married man and I all the same call Gary Busey, "Scary Abusey." I did not, however, want to exist caught reading information technology in public and then I only would read information technology at habitation. ...more
David Peters
If you read this volume you lot will never be able to look at a lot of celebrities the same style again. A lot of movies will exist ruined for you.

It is supposed to be a cautionary tale, and I remember it accomplishes that task quite well. It definitely removes all the gloss and lightheartedness that Pretty Woman tries to sell you.

And Sylvester Stallone, that is messed up man.

Jun 08, 2013 rated it liked it
Information technology'due south billed as 'very shocking' which, after living and working in LA, information technology'due south not. But at that place are some gossipy fun stories and one woman calling Warren Beatty old and fat did give me the giggles, but the sad advice at the end of each woman'southward story, making this a cautionary tale was very pathetic. I am a cynical sometime crone. It'south billed as 'very shocking' which, after living and working in LA, information technology's non. But at that place are some gossipy fun stories and one adult female calling Warren Beatty one-time and fatty did give me the giggles, but the lamentable advice at the terminate of each woman's story, making this a cautionary tale was very pathetic. I am a cynical old crone. ...more than
Hargun Kaur Sachdev
The stories of these 4 women were obviously full of pain and broken trust and corruption and incorrect choices. But it was all told in a very matter of fact style and failed to evoke much, or any emotional at all, in me other than disgust for men. Which I already have in enough from my personal experiences.
Kelly hayden
Mar 05, 2008 rated it actually liked information technology
If yous honey gossip you will dear this! I read this volume while living in Jackson Hole. I was a waitress at the fourth dimension and sylvester stallone came into the place where I was working. I was already actually nervous to meet him and even more so later on reading the chaper all about him......
Christina Cuanalo
This book was a page turner merely these 4 women were across dumb. They never seemed to larn their lessons. They kept repeating the same mistakes. At times it seemed they were glorifying their lifestyle. This volume is a total guilty pleasance, that'south about information technology. This book was a page turner only these 4 women were beyond impaired. They never seemed to learn their lessons. They kept repeating the aforementioned mistakes. At times it seemed they were glorifying their lifestyle. This volume is a total guilty pleasance, that's nigh it. ...more
Oct 02, 2007 rated information technology liked it
the inside, perverted, not to oft told story of hollywood.
Juicy, trashy read and perfect for the tub or beach.
May 04, 2009 rated it did non like it
The namedropping gets very annoying and seems unnecessary if their purpose is supposedly to help save young girls from falling into the traps they did.
I volition never forget that Jack Nicholson likes golden showers! Or how Jack Wagner was so fucking in love with himself. These hookers dish the dirt.
Jul 31, 2017 rated it really liked it
I read this book awhile agone and certainly this lifted the chapeau on the excesses of celebrities...sexual activity, drugs, Hollywood, you lot name it. Aye it was voyeuristic but still a good read. One of the fascinating accounts was of John Ritter'due south 9 1/2 hr sex marathon "pure, hot, jackhammer sex" with a loftier class escort lady in her apartment. However, the escort lady's business relationship doesn't exactly quite add together up, considering she wrote in this volume that later their ix 1/2 hr sex marathon, he took her for a meal to Denny' I read this book awhile ago and certainly this lifted the lid on the excesses of, drugs, Hollywood, yous name it. Yep it was voyeuristic but nevertheless a skilful read. One of the fascinating accounts was of John Ritter's ix 1/2 hour sexual practice marathon "pure, hot, jackhammer sex" with a high class escort lady in her apartment. However, the escort lady's business relationship doesn't exactly quite add up, because she wrote in this book that after their 9 one/2 hour sex marathon, he took her for a repast to Denny's. Afterward dining at Denny'south he then had to exit to choice upwardly his kids from schoolhouse. Then John returned to the escort's flat and engaged in 90 minutes of more sex!!! Now think well-nigh information technology for a moment...9 1/2 hours of sex, then a Denny's repast, then picking upward his kids at school, then coming back for a further 90 minutes of sex activity. John and the escort lady would have had to have started their 9 1/ii hour sex activity marathon similar five or half-dozen in the morning for the events to fit into the timeline of a mean solar day!

Unfortunately John Ritter is no longer with us to issue a right of respond.

James Carter
Jan 26, 2020 rated it it was amazing
A movie that comes extremely close to what the experience feels like in You'll Never Make Dear in This Town Again is American Gigolo with Richard Gere.

The volume is at first salacious and so profoundly depressing. In that location will be lots of name-dropping of famous people, but the more than the prostitutes talked nigh their times and what they did, the less their stories mattered. It was about throwing away their lives for zip by being at the beck and call of the others who did non value them any mor

A pic that comes extremely close to what the experience feels like in Yous'll Never Brand Love in This Boondocks Again is American Gigolo with Richard Gere.

The book is at commencement salacious and so greatly depressing. There will be lots of name-dropping of famous people, but the more than the prostitutes talked nearly their times and what they did, the less their stories mattered. It was well-nigh throwing away their lives for nothing by beingness at the beck and call of the others who did not value them whatever more than they would for yesterday's newspaper. One thing in the volume that struck me extremely odd is how much afinity these prostitutes had for materials by describing the interiors and exteriors of houses, hotels, and establishments they visited. That's when I knew they had a warped sense of reality.

All in all, similar Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Clandestine Sex Live of the Stars, You lot'll Never Make Love in This Town Again is a tough, disturbing read nearly the sexual practice lives of many celebrities.

...more than
juicy brained intellectual

oop thats a five star volume. similar sure i think it might be erotica? but for whomst? all of the women speak of sensually caressing their mutant (pornographically XXX long) legs & huge knockers just and so there's little salacious snippets well-nigh pissing in jack nicholson's mouth. i beloved that this is intro'd past a woman who says she's besides smart and feminist to ever be a sexual practice worker too lol. a wild ride from start to cease!

as well information technology appears to be a good tool for weeding out the wheat from the chaff in that

oop thats a v star book. similar sure i remember it might exist erotica? just for whomst? all of the women speak of sensually caressing their mutant (pornographically XXX long) legs & huge knockers just then there'due south footling salacious snippets well-nigh pissing in jack nicholson's mouth. i love that this is intro'd by a woman who says she's besides smart and feminist to ever be a sex worker likewise lol. a wild ride from start to terminate!

also it appears to exist a good tool for weeding out the wheat from the chaff in that a lot of people do not have the mental fortitude to process the invaluable information this contains.....!! aka a lot of people on goodreads are really stupid. why u gonna read this goofball sex book if u think women are dumb sluts who deserve to get beaten? go fuck yourselves tbh

...more than
May 13, 2017 rated it information technology was ok
Women with no moral compass dish gossip and whine well-nigh being whores.
Oct 13, 2019 rated it did not like it
Got halfway through and....naw, I am skilful. Poorly written and honestly information technology's just not interesting. Got halfway through and....naw, I am good. Poorly written and honestly information technology'south just non interesting. ...more
Bob Box
Apr 26, 2021 rated it liked it
Read in 1996. Three prostitutes and ane actress describe their encounters with various Hollywood celebrities.
Bren fall in love with the sea.
Want some sleaze people?

Oh what a guilty pleasure THIS was! I do occasionally honey me a smutty book. This is a supposedly true story of a grouping of Hollywood ladies and their trysts with diverse male celebs. is trashy and tawdry merely fun equally annihilation. Some of the stories..they will have you laughing..I mean..really laughing. So fun. Who knows if any of it is truthful? I sure indeed did enjoy reading it though.

I cannot requite this more than than a two because I accept no style of knowing if whatever of it is rea

Want some sleaze people?

Oh what a guilty pleasure THIS was! I do occasionally dear me a smutty book. This is a supposedly truthful story of a grouping of Hollywood ladies and their trysts with diverse male celebs.

Yes..information technology is trashy and tawdry but fun as anything. Some of the stories..they will have you laughing..I mean..really laughing. And then fun. Who knows if any of it is true? I sure indeed did enjoy reading information technology though.

I cannot give this more than than a two because I have no way of knowing if any of it is real. It is similar the Enquirer on speed. Just a few juicy morsels:

Matt Dillon is a major actor

Rod Stewart does one of the tackiest things I have ever seen.

Glen Frey from the Eagles (RIP Glen) is every woman's dream lover.

My fav..George Harrison (RIP) Plays the ukulele during sex! I hateful..there is some seriously decadent shit in here but information technology is swell as an escape..especially during Coronas Virus. (I read it years ago however).

This possibly the only time I have ever recommended a book I rated a 2. Seriously sure does have the shock value! No literary masterpiece just very very fun and crazy.

I believe some of these stories and have serious doubts most others.

Primarily I felt this was a book written out of spite and bitterness by a bunch of washed-upwardly whores who can't really make a living by banging celebrities anymore so they've decided to air their sexual deviancies out of desperation.

I likewise get the distinct impression that some of them were in honey with some of these famous men and feel the need to put them on smash since they did not requite the feelings and fulfill their ridic

I believe some of these stories and have serious doubts about others.

Primarily I felt this was a book written out of spite and bitterness by a bunch of done-up whores who tin't actually make a living past banging celebrities anymore so they've decided to air their sexual deviancies out of desperation.

I also get the singled-out impression that some of them were in love with some of these famous men and feel the need to put them on smash since they did non give the feelings and fulfill their ridiculous "Pretty Woman" type of fantasies. At least one adult female pretty clearly indicates this is the example for her.

Pathetic fifty-fifty if it is entertaining. Or is it entertaining even if it is pathetic? Y'all make the phone call.

2.5 Somewhat interesting (or icky, or infuriating, depending on view) content is presented with agenda. Ostensibly, to assist prevent other women from making the choices they did, and to even upward the score a bit on the provider/consumer imbalance of prosecution. Mostly, all the same, you'll notice a handful of women - peak-dollar Hollywood call girls - portraying themselves every bit victims. Of men. Of drugs. Of men. Of alcohol. Of men. Of their handlers. Of pretty much everything except their own costless wil 2.five Somewhat interesting (or disgusting, or infuriating, depending on view) content is presented with agenda. Ostensibly, to help forestall other women from making the choices they did, and to even up the score a flake on the provider/consumer imbalance of prosecution. Mostly, still, you'll detect a handful of women - summit-dollar Hollywood call girls - portraying themselves equally victims. Of men. Of drugs. Of men. Of alcohol. Of men. Of their handlers. Of pretty much everything except their own free will. Dropping names and, unremarkably in vengeance mode, naming names. Certainly not a work for but anybody... ...more
Sep 17, 2008 rated it did not similar information technology
This book was awful. Could four prostitutes exist more in dearest with themselves? I don't think so. Obviously every human in Hollywood thinks these ladies are the most beautiful women in the world because that is all they talked about. I'one thousand glad I got it from the library considering I would have felt like I wasted my money on pinnacle of wasting my time. This book was atrocious. Could iv prostitutes be more in honey with themselves? I don't remember so. Apparently every human being in Hollywood thinks these ladies are the most cute women in the globe because that is all they talked about. I'yard glad I got it from the library considering I would have felt similar I wasted my money on top of wasting my time. ...more than
Jan 13, 2008 rated information technology it was amazing
I have a really nifty photograph I took of Mary reclining past the pool in a bikini at our hotel in Las Vegas, this book in one hand, a bloody mary in a plastic loving cup in the other. I recall that pretty much tells you all y'all need to know about this fine piece of literature.

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